The Dilemma of Thanksgiving Grace for Religious Naturalists

Ah, those warm, comforting memories of Thanksgivings spent with family. … Or, are they sometimes not so blissful? Like when the family meal starts with a request that we all pray about Jesus’ blood?  If that sounds familiar, you may enjoy this short video by John Cleland Host.  Have a great Thanksgiving!

And here’s a simple grace that John Halstead says with his family:

We thank the earth in which the seed did grow.
We thank the hands that the seed did sow.
We thank the sky which gave us rain.
We thank the sun whose rays give us gain.
We thank the hands that this meal did prepare.
To live in honor of these gifts is our prayer.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends!

3 Comments on “The Dilemma of Thanksgiving Grace for Religious Naturalists

  1. A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

    Lord, let me more than a consumer be
    on this commercial-ridden holiday.
    Let your Light shine within me
    and satisfy me and satiate me,
    that there be no lingering hunger
    even after I have eaten my fill.
    Let my football-addled t.v. go dim
    that I do not waste this day
    or any other day
    watching silly sports or any silly thing
    on these shallow, soulless screens.

    Lord, let your Light shine through this day
    and through the darkness of Black Friday
    and through the darkening days till Christmas
    and beyond…
    that I may crave no more than I already own,
    even if all I own is this windy prayer
    to your unsubstantiated presence,
    of which I am substantially thankful.