Call for Essays: “Our Community”

Next month, our theme will be “Community”, especially Our Community of Naturalistic and Humanistic Pagans.  We have chosen this theme in celebration  of Jon Cleland Host‘s launch of the Naturalistic Paganism Yahoo group 10 years ago, in January 2005, which was (as far as I can discern) the first such online community.  Send us your essays and articles to humanisticpaganism [at] gmail [dot] com.  Ideas for topics include:

  • What does it mean to you to be a part of a religious community like HP?
  • What holds a community like ours together with its diverse beliefs and practices?
  • How can we deepen our sense of community and strengthen our bonds with one another?
  • How can we better integrate our community with the larger Pagan community, or do we even want to?
  • How can we better integrate our community with the larger religious naturalism community, or do we even want to?
  • A topic of your own